Let's (video) chat about virtual events

19 May 2020

The world has changed dramatically over the past few months, and the way we work even more so. But, if we know anything in the Events industry, it's that flexibility is key. Your 'post-Covid' strategy for engaging with your customers, colleagues and industry should embrace new ideas to avoid being left behind.

As we face rolling roadblocks to emerge from the COVID19 slowdown, it's clear that there will be long-lasting impediments to planning and hosting in-person events of all shapes and sizes. Reduced or limited event attendance due to social distancing requirements and travel restrictions are some of the more obvious barriers to conducting business, while rebuilding community confidence that it's safe to congregate in groups remains a more subtle long-term challenge.

Why not just wait until everything is 'back to normal'?

Sure, that's one strategy, but we think it's a risky one (and we'd also like to borrow your crystal ball, thanks). Businesses that reject paradigm shifts get left behind, and you can bet your competitors are already making moves into the virtual event sphere. Going virtual uses technology to enhance the delivery of your event, allowing you to showcase your brand in a polished, considered and timely manner.

Virtual events exist wholly online (e.g. a webinar), while hybrid events are a combination of physical and virtual elements (e.g. a livestreamed or recorded event) which may include on-site and off-site access. We're seeing a full-tilt shift towards these types of online engagement and experiences in the event planning landscape. Instead of cancelling or postponing your traditional event, pivoting to a fully virtual or hybrid event shows your brand is agile, enthusiastic and willing to adapt.

How can we help?

Your event will look different post-COVID19; it's unavoidable, but it's far from being a drawback. Offering the same level of care, attention, and professionalism as a traditional in-person event, we can facilitate a wide range of cost-effective virtual or hybrid events using industry-leading technology broadcast safely and securely from our world-class event spaces.

Let us take the guesswork out of the equation. With our experienced and highly skilled team, backed by QUT's technology infrastructure, we'll work with you to deliver a solution tailored to you.

the team