17 Jun 2020
Event planners have probably noticed a range of new terms entering the lexicon over the past few months as we re-examine what it means to work and connect in a post-COVID world. We’ve put together a brief overview of key terms to help you understand what’s possible and evaluate whether you should consider employing new technologies to achieve your objectives in a cost-effective, brand-positive way.
Livestreaming is the broadcasting of live video to an audience over the internet, either via your website or social media platforms. Livestreaming combines the interactivity of a webinar with the flexibility of a webcast and can be a valuable tool – when used correctly – to engage with your clients in an interactive way. Plus, you can also record your livestream for re-use post your event to connect with your audience through direct marketing.
Webinars have emerged on top in the virtual event sphere because of COVID-19. A webinar is an engaging online event where a speaker, or small group of speakers, delivers a presentation to a large audience who participate by submitting questions, responding to polls, and using other available interactive tools such as Chat.
It wasn’t long ago that webinars were considered a second-tier cost-saving measure often used where budget, time or location constraints prevented an in-person event such as a seminar, lecture or launch. Prior to COVID-19, quality and access was also hard to guarantee. Platforms like Zoom have since exploded in popularity and usage, demonstrating that users have both adapted quickly to new technologies and perceive them to be a suitable, stable, and convenient substitute to in person events.
Webcasts differ slightly from webinars in that they are a one-way conversation. A portmanteau of web-based video broadcast, webcasts enable you to broadcast a live or pre-recorded presentation to a specific audience. Although your audience can’t interact with you during the broadcast, you have the flexibility to record and disseminate the broadcast at your convenience to any communication channel you choose, such as social media, eDM or your website.
Event production and recording
With our suite of unique venues, we’re able to facilitate the broadcast of a range of on-site events, including product launches, meetings and ceremonies, or even small theatre productions. Our expert technical and production teams are ready to take on almost any kind of event production you can throw at us.
Where to now?
Your key considerations when opting for a virtual event should include the technology infrastructure and support provided by your chosen venue, and whether your chosen venue conveys the right impression about your business – don't discount what choosing the right location, setting and backdrop can say about your operation! Our arsenal of professional event recording and production equipment and suite of bespoke venues is backed by QUT’s leading technology infrastructure, making us an assured choice to support your foray into virtual or hybrid events. Talk to us today to discuss your event requirements and we’ll help to tailor a solution to best suit your objectives.
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